Featured – Imbas https://www.imbas.org World Religions Blog Wed, 03 May 2023 13:08:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://www.imbas.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/cropped-World-Religions-Blog-32x32.png Featured – Imbas https://www.imbas.org 32 32 A Triptych of Miracles: The Incredible Tale of How Faith Saved Three Members of the Same Family https://www.imbas.org/a-triptych-of-miracles-the-incredible-tale-of-how-faith-saved-three-members-of-the-same-family/ Wed, 03 May 2023 13:08:16 +0000 https://www.imbas.org/?p=154 Faith and hope are pillars of human existence. Many people find solace in their beliefs, and some even experience life-changing events that challenge the boundaries of reason. In this incredible tale, we delve into the remarkable journey of the Armstrong family and how their unwavering faith in the Almighty led to not one, but three […]

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Faith and hope are pillars of human existence. Many people find solace in their beliefs, and some even experience life-changing events that challenge the boundaries of reason. In this incredible tale, we delve into the remarkable journey of the Armstrong family and how their unwavering faith in the Almighty led to not one, but three extraordinary events that ultimately saved the lives of three family members. This thought-provoking story is a testament to the power of faith, and it serves as a reminder to trust in the Almighty during even the darkest of times.

The First Miracle: A Mother’s Salvation

It was the winter of 2015 when Rebecca Armstrong, a devout mother of two, found herself in a perilous situation. Trapped in her car after an unforeseen accident on a desolate road, the odds of survival seemed slim. With temperatures plummeting and her strength waning, she clung to her faith in God, praying for a miracle.

Hours passed, and the frosty grip of the cold began to take its toll. On the brink of succumbing to the elements, a figure emerged from the snowy darkness. To Rebecca’s disbelief, it was a stranger who had, by sheer coincidence, taken a wrong turn and stumbled upon her stranded vehicle. The stranger managed to free Rebecca and rush her to the hospital just in time to save her life. She credited her faith in the Almighty for her rescue, and the experience only served to strengthen her belief.

The Second Miracle: A Father’s Escape

Three years later, in 2018, Rebecca’s husband, Richard, found himself in a precarious situation. A veteran firefighter, he was called to the scene of a massive fire at an apartment complex. As he and his team worked tirelessly to extinguish the flames and rescue the trapped residents, Richard became separated from his fellow firefighters.

Smoke and flames surrounded him, and Richard knew that he needed divine intervention to make it out alive. He prayed fervently to the Almighty and suddenly found the strength to push through the smoke, eventually reaching a window. As he leaned out, gasping for air, a colleague spotted him and called for a ladder truck. Richard was pulled to safety moments before the building collapsed.

The Third Miracle: A Daughter’s Healing

In 2021, the Armstrong family faced their most harrowing trial yet. Their teenage daughter, Emily, was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer. The prognosis was grim, and doctors were uncertain about her chances of survival, despite the aggressive treatments they planned to administer.

Unwavering in their faith, the Armstrong family turned to the Almighty once more, joining with their community in prayer for Emily’s healing. Weeks into her treatment, Emily’s doctors were astounded to find that her cancer had gone into complete remission. The medical professionals could not explain the rapid change in her condition, but the Armstrongs attributed it to divine intervention.

The Ripple Effect of Miracles: Inspiring Others

The Armstrong family’s astonishing experiences have not only strengthened their faith but have also inspired countless others in their community and beyond. Their story has been shared widely, serving as a powerful reminder that miracles can happen when one’s faith in the Almighty remains unwavering. People from all walks of life have found solace and hope in the Armstrongs’ testimony, using it as a source of inspiration to turn to their own faith in times of despair.

Faith as a Catalyst for Change: The Armstrong Family Legacy

As the Armstrong family continues to share their story, they’ve become advocates for the importance of faith in daily life. They have used their experiences to inspire others to explore their spiritual beliefs and to trust in the Almighty’s plan for their lives. By doing so, they have created a lasting legacy that transcends their own miraculous experiences. Their story stands as a testament to the power of faith and its potential to transform lives, and it serves as a beacon of hope for those who may be struggling to find meaning in the face of adversity.

The Power of Faith

The Armstrong family’s incredible story serves as a testament to the power of faith. In each of these three instances, they turned to the Almighty during their most trying moments, and their lives were forever changed. Their journey is a thought-provoking reminder that the power of belief can shape our lives in profound and unimaginable ways.

In a world fraught with uncertainty and strife, the Armstrong family’s story is a beacon of hope. It encourages us to place our trust in the Almighty, regardless of the challenges we face, and to embrace the inexplicable power of faith.

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Assignment Helper Online: Is it Worth Using One? https://www.imbas.org/assignment-helper-online-is-it-worth-using-one/ Wed, 29 Sep 2021 08:07:36 +0000 https://www.imbas.org/?p=78 Using assignment helpers online might seem expensive, but it’s worth it. In order to cope with your day-to-day activities in college, you’ll need extra assignment help. Recently, students have had busy schedules, which can cause stress or depression in the long run. Therefore, hiring a professional company, like Copycrafter.net assignment helper will minimize your duties, […]

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Using assignment helpers online might seem expensive, but it’s worth it. In order to cope with your day-to-day activities in college, you’ll need extra assignment help. Recently, students have had busy schedules, which can cause stress or depression in the long run. Therefore, hiring a professional company, like Copycrafter.net assignment helper will minimize your duties, thus improving your concentration on other fruitful projects. Doing all the assignments on your own can alter your psychological and physical health, particularly during the long term. If you’re feeling stressed or pressured with assignments, hiring an expert assignment helper is a great option. Below are essential reasons why hiring an assignment helper online is worth it.

1. Plagiarism-Free Assignment

Plagiarized work isn’t accepted in any higher learning institution. Avoid the do-it-yourself route of doing all the assignments because you’ll commit unnecessary mistakes. In addition, when the assignment is due in time, you’ll find yourself copy-pasting other people’s work without proofreading before submission. Plagiarized work can ruin your reputation, thus leading to a low score. Academic projects require accuracy and professionalism. Therefore, hiring academic writers online is a great idea because you’ll be guaranteed plagiarism-free work. Additionally, assignment helpers will ensure your project is grammatically correct. Original and unique content will build your reputation.

2. Easy Understanding of the Subject

Most lecturers will assign complex assignments that’ll make students explore more items based on the project. This is the main reason why most students struggle with projects. Hiring an online assignment helper is an important aspect when it comes to handling complex topics. Academic writers with more years of experience in this industry won’t take long to understand the subject of the topic. An experienced academic writer has done numerous assignments with similar properties to yours. Easy understanding of the subject plays a significant role in improving the efficiency of the task.

3. Right Format and Structure

There are numerous assignment formats and structures. Online academic writers with an excellent reputation in this industry will provide you with the right assignment format and structure. There’s stiff competition in the academic writing industry; therefore, the best writers will provide top-notch services to gain a considerable market share. A well-structured content and correct formatting will help you attain higher scores.

4. Save Time and Effort

Students are enlisted in multiple subjects. Each subject requires maximum attention. Therefore, researching for an assignment will consume more time and effort. You’ll have minimal time to handle the remaining Subject. Hiring an online writer will help you manage your time well. An academic writer will offer prompt services without compromising the quality of work. Most assignment helpers will strive to satisfy your tastes and preferences. Projects require in-depth research and knowledge; therefore, avoid the do-it-yourself approach because you’ll probably fail in other vital subjects. Time management will students venture into other helpful things.

5. Cost-Friendly

Most people assume that hiring a professional assignment helper is expensive, but that isn’t the case. Recently, there are numerous online academic writers; therefore, you can choose a reliable writer within a short span. In addition, assignment helpers will charge favorable costs that’ll suit students’ budgets. The lower cost factor gives students peace of mind because they’re assured of high-quality services at an affordable price.

6. Top-Notch Assignment

Academic writers are talented and qualified in this industry. In addition, most assignment helpers have more years of experience. This makes them provide a high-quality assignment that’ll satisfy all the requirements and needs of students. Online writing experts will use certain tools to ensure your project is well-formatted and plagiarism-free. Submitting high-quality work gives you peace of mind because you’re guaranteed good grades.

7. Higher Grades

The main objective of a student is to attain appealing marks in all the subjects. Assignment plays a major sector in your final grades. Therefore, hiring academic writers will improve your odds of scoring appealing marks. Attaining exceptional grades in assignments and projects will help you pass your final examination.


Other reasons why assignment helper online is worth it include proper assignment references and citations as well as options of customization. The above-listed reasons explain why hiring an assignment helper online is worth it. Some of the things to consider when hiring the best assignment helper include reputation, experience, and the type of services offered.

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Impact of Religion on Society https://www.imbas.org/impact-of-religion-on-society/ Wed, 29 Sep 2021 08:04:59 +0000 https://www.imbas.org/?p=75 Religion is a thing that has played a massive role on the lives of humanity. It has come with various considerations that have made positive and negative influence. We have various religions such as the Hindu, Islam and Christianity. Each religion has its own features that have an impact to transformation of the society in […]

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Religion is a thing that has played a massive role on the lives of humanity. It has come with various considerations that have made positive and negative influence. We have various religions such as the Hindu, Islam and Christianity.

Each religion has its own features that have an impact to transformation of the society in different perspective. We shall look at the various aspects that the impact comes along with. Our focus will cover the perspective of all the faiths and the impact that they have come along with. Have a look.

Source of livelihood

Religion has come as a source of livelihood for all the faiths. Each religion has its belief that makes it have a specific view and perspective towards human life. Some believe that human life is sacred and that is the reason that people no longer give human sacrifices.

On the other hand some religions have a belief that they get eternal life after killing many people. Such influence the terrorism activities and massive destruction of human life and property. Although there is no scientific proof of the existence of the gods, people spend their time to thank the maker and do things that will promote livelihood of humans and the religion.

Answers to various aspects

Religion has done a big role in creating the answers to the various questions that human beings ask. Some of the questions that have got answers is about the creation of man. After living, the man dies and the religion provides an answer as to where each human will go after death.

More answers that people get are about the history of the various aspects of life. The Bible and the Quran are some of the holy books that have many stories that explain how religious people should live. Each action and ceremonies that the religious people participate in have a solid foundation about their source.

Humanity and religiosity

Humanity and religiosity are things that walk together in the common line of religion. The role of religion is to teach people how to live together and exercise humanity. As a result people know when they do mistakes and how they will address each.

The religious people also have an opportunity to live a life of substance. They understand that there are fortunate and the less fortunate people in the society. A common norm they do is to assist each other so that they all live a life of love and happiness. It therefore plays a role in shaping the role of the humans to each other and for the livelihoods.

Observance of specific habits and norms

The religion has come along with rules that make humans live together to please each other and the maker. One thing that all religions observe is the specific norms. Christians will have specific ceremonies to observe and the muslims and hindus too have their own.

These ceremonies and norms promote unity among the specific religious groups. It is at that moment they come together and share according to what the religion stipulates. Various rules make the religious groups share a common habit. It is that habit and observance of rules that makes the religions stand out.

Development of the countries constitutions

Various countries develop constitutions observing the various religions and cultures. The various rules and habits are brought together to form one thing that will bind the nation together. Another thing that happens is that the universal rules get based on the various religions as they are widespread and common.

Some religions have very tough rules but when the society brings them together they lessen them hence making the world a friendly place. Most religions have adopted to live a life that favors all the people. However, there are specific people in specific religions who choose to stand by the tough rules which sometimes become extreme that they do not support human life.

Occupation of the unifying place in the society

Religion has played a role in occupying the unity position in a country. Having a set of beliefs makes a country share common behaviors that tend to bring the world together. It tends to bring together people who have the same aspiration which in turn makes the unity stand out and be at the best.

Religion tends to make people adopt the art of togetherness despite of where they come from especially when there are big challenges. You also notice that when there are massive destructions such as bomblasts and natural tragedies, all the religions come together to support each other.

Organization of prayer events

It is now becoming common to have prayer events that bring together all the religions. Some countries such as kenya have adopted the national prayer days which bring together all the religions to pray together. A special program is created that the nation follows and they pray for various aspects.

The outcome is that the countries remain united and stronger than they were before. Such unity goes a long way as they get to realize that they are brothers and sisters and not enemies as it seems to be. Mass education and the powerful sensitization of the human values take place when we have these events.

Modernization of the world

Religion has a very huge impact on modernization of the world. It all started by having the religion that brings the people to share a common belief. After that now people have become good at adopting the various improvements such as the use of technology and many other activities.

Religious institutes have been in the fore front to make the various improvements such as the spread of formal education. They have brought the world together as people can speak and understand each other. Such understanding has been the key to having people working together in unity and harmony.

Development of antisocial groups

Even though we say that religion has played a role in bringing people together, it is undeniable that it has also brought up the antisocial groups. Some of these groups are the ones that deal with terrorism and those that deal with human trafficking. They have an antisocial behavior of killing innocent people for selfish gains which come from brainwashing.

Human body parts are also in use by specific religions that clain to have them for their benefit. Such religions are minor but have a huge impact as they brainwash people. There are also a few specific people who fund the activities of such antisocial groups.


Religion is one aspect of human life that has been very important. It has brought human beings together and also separated them. Some have been very good at promoting ethics and togetherness as a key to bringing humanity and the world together. However, we have some part of specific religions that have selfish gains and harms the common good to selfish interests.

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How to Teach Classic Literature in High School: Guide to Young Teache https://www.imbas.org/how-to-teach-classic-literature-in-high-school-guide-to-young-teache/ Wed, 29 Sep 2021 08:02:29 +0000 https://www.imbas.org/?p=72 Classic literature is defined as the body of works written by authors from ancient times until now. It includes poetry, drama, and prose fiction. The purpose of teaching classics literature at the high school level is to provide students with a solid foundation of knowledge about classical culture and develop their critical thinking skills so […]

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Classic literature is defined as the body of works written by authors from ancient times until now. It includes poetry, drama, and prose fiction. The purpose of teaching classics literature at the high school level is to provide students with a solid foundation of knowledge about classical culture and develop their critical thinking skills so that they can make informed judgments on literary works. In addition, it helps them understand how different societies have developed over time through studying history and philosophy.

How can you Teach Classic Literature in High School?

Teaching classic literature is challenging because there are many books to choose from, and each book has its unique style.

Decide what kind of material you want to teach

When planning your lesson plan for teaching classic literature, the first step is to decide what kind of material you want to teach: short stories or novels, poems, or plays. You should then select one work per genre and read it carefully before deciding which parts will be covered during class discussion. For example, if you chose to cover Shakespeare’s Hamlet, you would need to identify all the major characters and plot points, such as the ghost scene, the duel between Laertes and Claudius, etc. Then you could divide these into smaller units like character development, theme, structure, language use, tone, point-of-view, setting, imagery, symbolism, irony, foreshadowing, metaphor simile, personification, dialogue, description, action, conflict, climax, resolution, moral, etc.

Prepare materials for your lessons

Once you know exactly what you want to discuss, you can start preparing materials for your lessons. This may include reading relevant passages from other texts, watching movies based on famous works, listening to audio recordings of speeches made by important figures in the story, writing notes summarizing key ideas, creating graphic organizers, making charts, tables, timelines, mind maps, If possible, try to find out more information about the author and his/her life. Reading biographies of great writers can help you gain insight into their lives and motivations. Also, look up some websites where people share interesting facts about the writer’s life.

Be flexible when teaching

If you notice that certain concepts seem difficult to explain, don’t worry! Just keep trying new ways to present the same idea. Remember that every student learns differently. Some learn best by hearing an explanation, while others prefer visual aids. Try using both methods. You might consider having students write papers on specific topics related to the text being studied. Students who take this approach often enjoy learning more than those who listen to lectures. They feel engaged and motivated to do well in class.

Be creative

Teaching classic literature requires creativity. The teacher must think outside the box and come up with innovative approaches to engage students. One way to achieve s lesson objectives is to create activities that require students to apply their analytical abilities. Here are some examples:

  • Have students analyze the novel’s main themes and compare them to similar themes found in modern-day society.
  • Ask students to summarize the most significant events in the novel. What were the consequences of these events?

Engage your students in discussions about the text

Finally, think about ways to engage your students in discussions about the text. Some questions might include, “What do we learn about human nature from this passage? What does this reflect in our society today? How did the author express himself using words? Why was he able to write something so powerful?” You can also ask students to create an outline of the main events in the novel and explain why certain scenes were included. They can also draw pictures illustrating the themes discussed in the course. If you wish to give students practice in analyzing complex issues, you can assign them to analyze a newspaper article related to the topic being studied. Students can either summarize the article or take notes while reading it. The teacher can check whether students understood the issue correctly after completing the assignment. To motivate students to study hard, you can set aside time every week to review the previous weeks’ assignments together. In addition, you can provide each student with a copy of the textbook that contains additional resources and useful tips.


When teaching classic literature at the high school level, remember many things: Be clear about your goals before starting any lesson planning process. Prepare material ahead of time. Keep track of all the details involved in running a successful classroom. Make sure that you have enough time to teach everything thoroughly. Use different techniques to make your classes engaging and fun. Engage your students in discussions about literary elements. Be creative when teaching.

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The Pillars of Faith in Islam https://www.imbas.org/the-pillars-of-faith-in-islam/ Tue, 13 Jul 2021 12:49:42 +0000 https://www.imbas.org/?p=30 The main sources of Islam's doctrine are the holy scripture, the Qur'an, and the sacred tradition, the Sunnah.

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The main sources of Islam’s doctrine are the holy scripture, the Qur’an, and the sacred tradition, the Sunnah.

The Qur’an (Arabic. “According to tradition it is said that Muhammad could not read and write, that is why he memorized verses by heart and then recited them aloud to people from memory) – the Muslim holy book, dictated to Muhammad by archangel Jabrail during 23 years in Arabic. Originally transmitted orally, it was codified in the mid 7th century (under Caliph Othman). It consists of 114 chapters (surahs) comprising 6,500 verses (ayats). Surahs are divided by periods into Meccan (as a rule, short) and Medinan. The Qur’an in Islam is considered to be the created, 100% authentic true guidance of God to men. The practice of interpreting the Qur’an – Tafsir (Arabic for “to explain”) – in Islam is only allowed by specially trained people (mufassirs). Hafiz, that is, people who know the Quran by heart, are also held in high esteem among Muslims.

The Sunnah is set forth in the form of hadiths (sayings of Muhammad and his Companions) in several collections. In Sunnism, the most authoritative collections of hadith are those of Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Abu Dawud, Imam ibn Maji, Imam al-Tirmizi, and Imam Nasai. Hadiths are divided into a number of groups depending on their reliability (authority of the source). There is disagreement between the various currents in Islam regarding the acceptance of certain ayats (e.g., about Ali as the successor of Muhammad, about Mahdi as the coming Messiah, etc.).

Prayers in Islam are divided into obligatory, approved and additional. There are five obligatory daily prayers, each at a certain time of day.

Muslims who do not observe the Five Pillars of Islam are considered to be sinners, and those who deny their necessity are kafirs (non-Muslims).
Zakat (purification donation) is paid by a Muslim once a year as a percentage of various incomes (2.5% for money).

Every Muslim is obliged to fast once a year for 30 days (the month of Ramadan), which consists in abstaining from eating, drinking, sexual intimacy and anything that may violate the pious behavior of a person. The time of fasting lasts from sunrise to sunset.
Every believer who is able to make the pilgrimage must make it at least once in his life (to Mecca).

Islam is viewed by Muslims not simply as a sphere of sacred experience, but as a way of life. Law and politics, ethics, personal life, all relationships between people are conditioned by Islam for a Muslim. The most significant point here is the high role of law, the Sharia (“the straight path”), which regulates human life down to the smallest detail.

Islam is a religion of intention and sets a high ideal of the individual. The goal of man is salvation, and the goal is obedience to God. The way to achieve this goal is constant self-improvement in the physical, intellectual, spiritual and moral aspects.

The moral values of Islam are traditional: a special role is assigned to men, family, community, elders in age and status, and military ethos.

In classical Islam, patriotism did not play a special role, and Islam did not generally act as a source of national identity, being a universal religion supporting the theory of people’s equality before God. Nevertheless, to be moral, truly religious and to be a Muslim, according to Islam. Despite such exclusivism, Islam treats “people of the scriptures,” primarily Christians and Jews, with special reverence.

Islam is an independent, integral religious system. Being rather young world religion, Islam made significant contribution to human civilization and is actively developing in the modern world, carrying traditional universal values. The specificity of Islam is the determining role of Holy Scripture, absolute monotheism, strict ethics, and the priority of practice in the life of the believer (in this case Islam is a religion of intention, that is, the affirmation of the individual subject). The unity of Islam is ensured by a common creed, the foundations of doctrine. Differences in the currents of Islam relate to issues of inheritance of power, peculiarities of legal practice and certain aspects of ritual. Islam is a special type of worldview and way of life.

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